The Orchid Society of Great Britain is a registered charity, No. 261273
The Orchid Society of Great Britain members only plant auction
Sat, 06 Jan
The OSGB Orchid Auction is a wonderful event where you can purchase rare and unusual orchids and sell your own surplus plants!

Time & Location
06 Jan 2024, 13:00 – 15:50
Twickenham, Cole Court, 150 London Rd, Twickenham TW1 1HD, UK
About the Event
The annual Auction will be held on Saturday, January 6th at our Cole Court venue; put the date in
your diaries and help us make this a highlight of the year! The Auction is a very entertaining meeting
with lots of banter, enjoyed by all. It is also a good reason for getting out on, what can be a cold and,
otherwise, uninspiring day. For those who are new to this, here are a few notes on how the Auction
The doors will open for the meeting at 1:00 pm; plants arriving for auctioning will be registered and
allocated a number. Members can bring up to 8 lots, and joint members up to 12. The plants are then
placed on the auction tables. Members who come to buy, rather than to sell, will register and be
handed a personal number; any plants they buy will be assigned to that number.
The Auction will start at 2.00 pm with the plants being auctioned at random. Each plant will be held
up for all to see and have a little information given about it; also, a very reasonable starting price
suggested. Sellers can request a minimum starting bid or a reserve price.
After the sale of the final plant, a lot of arithmetic will be carried out (by myself) to total
up each purchaser’s spend and to ascertain each seller’s takings, not forgetting that 10% of each
plant sale goes to the O.S.G.B. Everyone else gets a tea break at this point! The sellers expect to go
home with their takings, so we try to run a cash auction as far as possible; please visit a cash point if
you can before you come to the Auction. However, we will also be able to take credit/debit card
payments by Zettle if you have been unable to get hold of any cash, or have brought insufficient with
The Auction is a fantastic means for O.S.G.B. members to ‘swap’ plants. If you can’t grow an orchid
as well as it should be grown, bring it to the Auction; you can bet that someone else would like to
give it a go. You might also be surprised at how much your plant is sold for; the average sale price
per lot at the last auction was £18. If you come to the Auction, you are sure to pick up a bargain or
two; lot prices can start as low as £2. Most of the plants auctioned in 2023 would have cost over £20
to purchase commercially, many of them much more. Also, several of the orchids seen in the 2023
Auctions are now not commercially available; so, coming to the Auction gives you the chance to pick
up a rarity that you may not otherwise be able to obtain.