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Updated: Jun 19, 2020

Dear all,

We have arranged our first online lecture via Zoom to take place on Saturday, 20th of June at 11:00am. Simon Pugh-Jones from The Writhlington School Orchid Project, and The President of OSGB will take us for a tour around the schools glass houses talking about the plants they cultivate, summer bloomers and their native tropical habitats.

You can click here to join on the day after 10:30


During the talk your microphones will be muted, but please write down all your questions in the chat section as they arise and they will all be read and answered at the end of the lecture.

This will be the first of many to come meetings organised via Zoom, so please stay tuned for the information about the future ones.

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We are inviting all our members to participate in the Virtual Orchid Congress organised by the British Orchid Council

We appreciate this is a little late with the deadline being this Sunday, 7th of June, but please do have a look on how to enter the show and participate.

Since our monthly Table Shows are becoming more and more popular you are more than welcome to submit the same images for both events.

The details can be found here

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Dear all, we have decided to create a page listing all possible orchid related [free] online mettings, seminars and lectures held by various organisations in and out of UK to fill the gap that social distancing and lack of horticultural shows created.

Have a look here (it will be positioned under Orchids in the top menu)

Please if you know of any we can add to the list let us know at

Share with the others

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